Guided tours to the churches

Do you want to know why there are so many churches of the same construction period in the valley? Who had them built? Why? What were their functions? What do the paintings of Christ in Majesty mean? Discover the churches with us and we will explain you the exceptional values of the Romanesque ensemble declared World Heritage by UNESCO.

Guided tours

sense reserva prèvia

On the dates with the largest numbers of visitors we provide our service with guided tours at pre-established times and churches to the individual public.

*Tickets are purchased directly at the door of each church at the time of the guided tour (no prior bookings).
**Access to the churches will be restricted to users of this service during the guided tours.

More information

973 69 67 15


-1 Church: 3€ + entrance

-900 years route: 5€ + entrance

All Saints' Day timetable - 1, 2 and 3 November 2024

Friday the 1stSaturday the 2ndSunday the 3rd
11:00 h900 years route
16:30 hSanta Eulàlia d'Erill la Vall
18:00 hSant Joan de Boí

Access to the churches will be restricted to users of this service during the guided tours


-1 Church: 3€ + entrance

-900 years route: 5€ + entrance

*900 years route

900 years ago, the consacration of the churches of Sant Climent and Santa Maria de Taüll, within a day, shows us the importance of the place and demonstrates the power of the feudal lords and the Church Discover it with us in this route thought specially to celebrate the anniversary.

Time and meeting point – 11h at Sant Climent de Taüll, without prior booking (Tickets are purchased directly at the door of the church)

Duration – 1h15 approx.

The visit includes the projection of the videomapping

Second Easter - from May 18 to 20Saturday 18Sunday 19Monday 20
11:00 h900 years route
13:00 hSant Joan de Boí
16:30 hNativitat de Durro
18:00 hSanta Eulàlia d'Erill la Vall

Throughout the year

Guided tours

with prior booking

Throughout the year we offer a service with pre-booked guided tours for individuals and groups.

*outside the days with pre-established guided tours.

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, French and English.

More information

973 69 67 15

Ask us for more information:

Prices and length of the visits


Up to 7 people = 21€ per church + entry fees
8 people or more = 3€ per person and per church + entry fees

Duration: approx. 45 min per church.

What will you discover in each church?

The Church of Sant Climent de Taüll is the iconic image of Romanesque architecture in the Vall de Boí. But do you know the meaning of its famous paintings of the Christ in Majesty? During the visit we’ll travel back to the 12th century to view its original location, thanks to the new video mapping technologies.

Did you know that the Parish Church of Santa Maria was consecrated one day after the Church of Sant Climent? We’ll explain this coincidence and view the reproductions of the Epiphany wall paintings inside.

The 10th and 11th December 1123 the churches of Sant Climent and Santa Maria in Taüll were consacrated.

900 years ago, the consecration of the two churches in Taüll, one day apart, shows us the importance of the place and demonstrates the power of the feudal lords and the Church. Discover it with us in a route from Sant Climent, in the lower town, up to the main square with the church of Santa Maria. We will see the importance of the exterior and interior space, the communication of the symbolic message and how the consecration ceremony took place

The visit will enable you to enjoy the experience of entering a Romanesque church painted with Saints and real and fantastic animals from the mediaeval bestiaries. Will you be able to identify them?

We’ll explain why the bell tower of Santa Eulàlia is one of the best in the valley and we’ll view the reproduction of the sculptural ensemble of the Descent from the Cross, the only one from the Erill Workshop preserved in its entirety.

Here we’ll see an excellent example of how churches are living things that have adapted from the 11th and 12th centuries to the present day. We’ll focus on its architectural evolution and strategic location.

We’ll learn more about the monumental nature of the church, its decorative wealth and where the resources to build it came from. Did you know that it has retained an original Romanesque carving inside?

Having stopped in time, its interior shows us what these churches looked like in the early 20th century. We’ll visit the only Romanesque crypt in the valley and explain its function.

The most interesting part that we’ll focus on is the sculpted entrance, regarded as the best in the valley, as well as the characteristic decorations in the Lombard Romanesque style.

Sol·licitud de visita guiada

Actualment, oferim visites guiades amb reserva prèvia.
Podeu sol·licitar-les mitjançant aquest formulari.

Sol·licitud de visita guiada

Actualment, oferim visites guiades amb reserva prèvia.
Podeu sol·licitar-les mitjançant aquest formulari.

Guided tour reservation

Currently, we offer guided tours with previous reservation .
Ask us for more information.

Guided tour reservation

Currently, we offer guided tours with previous reservation .
Ask us for more information.

Live the Romanesque of the Vall de Boí

The Romanesque Center of the Vall de Boí reopens to the public with a new pioneering project at a national and international level with new stories and cutting-edge immersive technologies that will allow you to live new experiences.